Eastern Suburbs Federation Bungalows

Eastern Suburbs Federation Bungalows

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These are generally big homes, always single-storey, and rather heavy-set. I like them a lot.
Most of these were built between the wars, and qualify as Federation because they have only one frontal gable, over the bedroom, and the sweeping hip roof extends protectively over the verandah.

A Rosebery Federation Bungalow

Notice the bay window, and the decorative valance or frieze under the verandah.
However the fence has been altered away from heritage style.
The verandah columns are in a more modern, ‘Californian’ bungalow style, with the brickwork rising higher than in most other examples.

Heritage listed Rosebery Bungalow

This is probably Rosebery’s most famous heritage house, a stone-faced bungalow in Dalmeny Avenue at Tweedmouth Avenue.

Opposite the house above, a rambling bungalow

This Tweedmouth Ave house has an Arts and Crafts feel, and has elements of Federation and Californian Bungalow styles

An Arts and Crafts Federation Bungalow in Rosebery

This beautiful Federation Arts and Crafts Bungalow is also in Tweedmouth Avenue, Rosebery.

A very simplified Bungalow in Rosebery


Kensington star Bungalow

This Day Avenue, Kensington Federation Bungalow is truly very protective of its verandahs, and the owners are very house proud.

Doncaster Avenue Kensington in new paint.

Doncaster Avenue at Day Ave: newly renovated and with an enclosed verandah (out of the picture).

A well-cared for Doncaster Avenue Kensington Bungalow

Notice the gable over the front room, very distinctively different. It has an Arts and Crafts feel.

At the corner of Kensington, a corner Bungalow

This Kensington Bungalow on Gardeners Road is better from a distance.

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